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Module 6 Assignment 3

Module 6 Assignment 3

Q ASSIGNMENT - Case Study ________________________________________ Case: Some are calling for “Medicare for all” and there is no longer a place in the market for private insurance companies (managed care). Others claim there is a valuable role they play in managing care which the government can’t do. Pick one side of the argument and defend your position. 1. Provide an overview. 2. Explain the issues, concerns, problems, etc. 3. Determine best course of action to solve the problem (s). 4. Justify your position. SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Describe the case using research outside of the textbook. Complete and submit the assignment by 23:59 EST Sunday. Three to five pages, APA formatted ,describing the critical areas of the case? Journal and/or peer reviewed articles required. Industry terminology must be used. Current research, within the last five years preferred. Late responses will receive no credit. Review the assignment rubric so you are familiar with the expectations. Submit assignment in Canvas. GRADING RUBRIC ________________________________________ Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric. PreviousNext Case Study

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In a country like the United States where Democracy rules but is a capitalist country, Medicare for all or universal healthcare is a very controversial topic. Because most democratic countries such as Canada, currently do, makes many Americans wonder why we don’t . It is my particular opinion that universal healthcare would be one of the best things that could happen in the United States. However, I do recognize it wouldn’t be that easy and there are many factors that need to be considered. What many republicans and other democrat Americans worry about, is how could this be achieved without raising federal taxes to an affordable high as well as how could medical care quality remain the way it is now or be improved instead of worsened due to fact medical providers wouldn’t be able to make more than a set amount because they would simply receive a salary instead of bill for all services provided to different insurance companies.